The Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative’s Dr. Will Kayatin was just published by Cornell University Press. You can find his review essay in the December 2022 New York History Journal, Volume 103, Number 2. Dr. Kayatin worked as a university administrator and professor for 20 years at the University at Albany, State University of New York, […]

The Kentucky Innovative Learning Network #KYILN announced the selection of 11 educators for its 2022-2023 Innovative Teacher Cohort. Two teachers from our Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative region have been selected. Amy Newsome from Floyd County & Melanie Ramey from Paintsville. The KY Innovative Learning Network is a partnership between local school districts and the Kentucky Department of Education […]

Having trouble filling teaching positions in special education? See below and attached to register for an informational session on this unique opportunity. Teaching Assistants, FRYSC and Gear Up staff, etc. with a disposition to teach that meet the admission requirements are perfect candidates for this program. Somewhat similar to Option 6 MAT certification programs with […]

Register Here This Awareness training is designed to explore critical components of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), an MTSS framework for climate, culture, social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes. PBIS is the most researched and developed MTSS Framework. Through the use of activities and dialogue, leaders will acquire knowledge and build upon what is already […]

The upcoming KVEC “Train the Trainer” session will be designed for district teams and to help them prepare for district wide adoption, uniform implementation and processes that help assure fidelity. Sign your team up today by scanning the QR Code or by clicking the following link. Register Here