Rebecca Potter

Ongoing Support

The research aimed to investigate the impact of individual coaching on the level of deeper learning in the classroom and its effect on student achievement on the MAP assessment. I worked with Fleming-Neon Middle School and focused on the 5 episodes of effective instruction. A 3-hour training session was conducted on October 16th, where the faculty and staff were introduced to each episode in depth. They were provided with a blank unit plan and the Tools books to aid their planning. As the training progressed, teachers planned a unit focused on deeper learning. The first round of district walk-throughs showed that teachers were starting to incorporate the 5 episodes of instruction into their teaching. The next step involved working individually with a 7th-grade English teacher throughout the year. Regular meetings were held during PLCs to discuss and plan. MAP scores and pre and post-test data were monitored. A survey on deeper learning was administered to students at the end of the year. Throughout the year, learning walks conducted by the principal and the researcher observed an increased use of deeper learning strategies in classrooms. The district walk-through data indicated significant improvement in the use of deeper learning, particularly in Episode 3. Although the individual teacher’s class did not meet their expected growth on MAP, there was observed growth. The mean RIT score in reading increased from 215.0 in the fall to 218.3 in the spring, both above the district grade-level mean RIT. Additionally, 55% of students met their growth projection. Based on those last scores, a problem of practice was identified: analyzing poetry. The teacher wanted to focus on this particular topic before KSA.  Strategies such as one-sentence summaries, window notes, and think-pair-share were implemented. In an observed lesson, after using these strategies, students’ post-test scores improved to 98%, indicating better performance in higher-level analysis questions. A learning survey revealed that students had a positive perception of their teacher’s impact on their learning and development. The teacher actively promoted collaboration, critical thinking, and understanding checks, contributing to a supportive and effective learning environment. The study concluded that a district-wide coaching system should be developed to establish a culture of deeper learning throughout all schools. While coaching one teacher improved the culture in his classroom, a broader system is needed to spread this culture across the entire school and district.

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