A Pathway to Deeper Learning

Learning     Action Research     Scaling

Deeper Learning Philosophy

As educators committed to students’ success in life, in school and eventual work, we believe they must go beyond the study of superficial knowledge largely dependent upon rote memory skills, to dive more deeply to make meaning and be capable of transferring their learning. 

It is our belief that innovation has a greater chance of being sustained if its origins begin with practitioners in direct contact with students — in the place of learning. Our focus for the Deeper Learning (DL) Initiative will be teachers as Deeper Learning Coaches, and it is for this reason that 67% of allotted funds will go towards teacher stipends.

Deeper Learning Partners

Deeper Learning (DL) Coaches possess a committed sense of purpose for their profession and exhibit a love for students and their well-being. DL Coaches come to the work having already shown a disposition for learning and innovation with examples evident of their commitment for sustained and focused efforts both in the classroom and outside. DL Coaches have an interest and ability to lead professional learning within their school and district.

Deeper Learning Consultants

Kim Sergent

[email protected]

Deeper Learning Coaches

Mary Belcher

[email protected]

Meagen Adams

 [email protected]

Brentton Akers
[email protected]

Angelia Back
[email protected]

Julia Bishop
[email protected]

Billie Bowling

 [email protected]

Alexis Brock
[email protected]

Megan Burchett
[email protected]

Lora Callahan
[email protected]

Angela Campbell
[email protected]

Elisha Campbell
[email protected]

Brittany Campbell
 [email protected]

Amber Cantrell
[email protected]

Cealia Clair

 [email protected]

Jeffrey Clair

 [email protected]

Kari Cornett
[email protected]

Michael Davidson
[email protected]

Joann Hall

 [email protected]

Angie Halsey
[email protected] 

Mindy Hatton
 [email protected] 

Rachel Hisel
[email protected]

Victoria Howard
[email protected]

Whitney Huffman
[email protected]

April Hylton
[email protected] 

Jackie Johnson
[email protected]

Dana Kendrick
[email protected]

Hillary Marcum
[email protected]

Loretta McKenzie
 [email protected]

Sandy Merrill
 [email protected]

Dominique Messer
 [email protected]

Quentin Morgan
[email protected]

Taylor Newsome
[email protected]

Amy Phipps

 [email protected]

Chelsey Potter
 [email protected]

Rebecca Potter
[email protected]

Kinsey Patton
[email protected]

Adam Roberts
[email protected]

Bethany Roberts
[email protected]

Kaleb Rodebaugh
[email protected]

Jonathan Rose
 [email protected]

Suzette Sexton
[email protected]

Deana Spencer
 [email protected]

Jodi Stiltner
[email protected]

Joshua Thacker
[email protected]

Sarah Thorpe
[email protected]

Amanda Turner
[email protected]

Josh Tyree
 [email protected] 

Veronica Watson
[email protected]

Ashley Watts
[email protected]

Ashley Whitehead
[email protected]

Michelle Wilson
[email protected]

Azure Wright
[email protected]

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