• For my Newton’s Playground grant, the sensors were a huge success! I had 3 groups working with the new sensors and 2 working with the old (because of lack of equipment) and it was a huge difference.
    The labquest group did more trials, had far less error associated with the lab, and did it all in less time. It saved the students a lot of time on…Read More

  • My school, Central Elementary, benefited from our purchase of headphones for every student with the grant money I received from through ARI. My action plan included students being assigned a set of headphones to be keep in the classroom where they are readily available to them for use while working on their digital resources either individually,…Read More

  • Just received my dry erase tables a few weeks ago. So far the students are really loving them and enjoying doing their work on the table.
    Mighty clickers- We have been using the mouse with our chrome books since we received them. We have had a few students who have been able to move from the mouse to the mousepad successfully.

  • From Kitchen to Classroom Update:
    Our supplies are in. We’ve got the labels put on the cabinets. Students are utilizing the kitchen once a week for life skills. They are all showing progress!

  • I received my first round of the new vernier equipment. I did a lab with 3 groups using the new equipment and groups using the old equipment (because i just didn’t have enough for that large of a class). I made them do a little bit of error calculations and you would not believe the difference it made. The error associated with the new stuff was…Read More

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