• Profile picture of Jeff Phillips

    Jeff Phillips posted

    10 years, 4 months ago

    This is taken from the National School Public Relations Association. I encourage you to take a few minutes and look at some of these exceptional videos on passionate teaching. “Video of the Week — Inspired Teaching
    We all know of some amazing, inspiring teachers in each of our own school districts. These educators alter the sometimes pervading perception that American schools value obedience and test-taking over true learning. Nate Bowling, a teacher of government in Tacoma (Wash.) Public Schools, says, “Teaching is one third sales, one third performance art, and one third actual instruction.” His passion for connecting his lessons with his students shines through in this award-winning video in NSPRA’s Publications and Electronic Media contest.”

    [bpfb_link url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2Gpt7IQFoY&index=3&list=PLrgJy7zv_q0jMXuMsw2ZVH5yRmAoXaQ8X’ title=’Inspired Teaching: Nate Bowling – YouTube’ image=’http://i.ytimg.com/vi/l2Gpt7IQFoY/maxresdefault.jpg’]Lincoln High School teacher Nate Bowling believes good teachers are equal parts salespeople, performers and educators. “I get to leave my intellectual and co…[/bpfb_link]



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