The Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative’s Digitalachia Podcast series hosted by Robert Brown, welcomed guests, Ann Marie Fenton, Director, Rules Management and Educator Assessment, Georgia Professional Standards Commission and Troy Hutchings, Senior Policy Advisor, National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) to discuss the Model Code of Educator Ethics.
Model Code of Educator Ethics Development
It is the responsibility of educator preparation educational communities to ensure educators and prospective educators understand how professional decision-making can impact the safety and well-being of children, as well as the culture and mission of the school. The safety and reflective decision making that must occur to keep our students and educators safe has become even more evident as more students and educators engage in virtual learning environments.
A number of different professional organizations came together for the purpose of creating a unified set of professional norms which jurisdictions can adopt or adapt to help ensure states, educator preparation programs, and local education agencies are effectively equipping educators in ethical understanding and decision-making aligning to professional norms of educator professional practice. The result of this collaborative effort is the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE). This critical work will lead to a more intentional emphasis, at national, state, and local levels, being placed on ethics and ethical preparation. Ultimately, not only will ethical violations in education be reduced, children will be safer in classrooms.
The Model Code of Educator Ethics and free resources, including video case studies, may be found at