Haul out the holly! Getting into the Christmas spirit is so easily done at Phelps Elementary School! Every year at our school all the students come together to perform in a Christmas play where every child gets to sing and dance to celebrate Christmas. Another reason why we do it is so that everyone can be reminded of the real Reason for the Season…Jesus!
Hi, my name is Emily Wolford and I am part of the Transmedia Fireshare Production Crew. Every Monday after school Mrs. Gooslin and the production crew stay and work on our projects. We have to work hard on all our videos. Each of us was given a topic this school year. My assignment was our Annual Christmas Play. I interviewed some PES students about the program as well as include pictures and add small video clips from the play. I am thankful for Mrs. Gooslin and the Transmedia Production course for the opportunity that I was given to be introduced to theholler.org and being able to learn how to edit my own videos using my iPhone and iMovie. Hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed creating it!