[Story Updated 1/13/2023]
Todd Whitaker has finished up his trip to KVEC and we’ve got a load of photos and even a video we wanted to share from his visit.
[Original Story Below]
If you don’t have plans on January 12, 2023, then here’s your chance to come and see the legend Todd Whitaker in person, and if you do have plans, cancel them because you don’t want to miss what he has to say. No worries if you can’t make it in-p the session is also available virtually as well! However, you will miss the lunch and you never want to miss one of KVEC’S lunches.
One of the nation’s leading authorities on staff motivation, teacher leadership, and principal effectiveness, Todd has written over 60 books including the national best seller, What Great Teachers Do Differently. Other titles include: Dealing With Difficult Teachers, Ten-Minute Inservice, Your First Year, Motivating & Inspiring Teachers, and Dealing With Difficult Parents.