Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative (KVEC) is excited to announce a summer professional learning opportunity.
“Agents of Change”
Summer Institute
July 27th– 28th, 2016
The KVEC Summer Institute, “Agents of Change” is open to all educators. Participants can earn badges for their professional learning. Sessions include:
- Math
- Behavior
- Special Education
- Highly Effective Strategies for GAP
- World Language
- Using data to differentiate
- Student Engagement
- Higher Order Questioning
- Inquiry Based Learning
- RtI
- Technology
- EdCamp (“Unconference”) for teacher leaders, principals and central office administrators hosted by Appalachian Leadership Lab
Location: Knott County Central High School
Time: 8:30- 4:00 pm
Cost: $50.00 per person for member districts/ $100.00 non-member districts
Review a draft schedule below: