• Profile picture of Breanna Arnett

    Breanna Arnett posted

    6 years, 4 months ago

    My students are currently using ProdigyGame.com. Prodigy Game is an online gaming website for students K-8. This website is contains Math content that is aligned with the Common Core Curriculum for each state. Students are able to practice numerous state standards through game play. Teacher are able to assign standards and content that are taught in class and use Prodigy Game as an additional practice for students. The website also provides teachers with valuable data that can be used for class and individual student progress monitoring and achievement. The website also provides feedback to teachers by giving students a grade level placement test. When the teacher has no assignments posted for their students, Prodigy will provide students with several standard based, increasing grade level questions during their gaming time. As students progress through the game, the website will record students progress through each standard from each grade level, and provide teachers with data that places students in a grade level according to the standards they were able to successful achieve or struggle with. My 5th and 6th grade students love Prodigy and ask daily to play the game. Since the beginning of the year, we have had a class competition between 5th and 6th grade. We have a bulletin board in my room dedicated to Prodigy. On this board, I update our daily winners from each class, our weekly winners each week, and the top class for the most correctly answered questions from each day. This competition between the grade level has certainly driven my students to challenge themselves more and strive to be successful within the game. I can say with certainty that my students achievement level in my math class has increased greatly because of Prodigy. I would recommend this to any teacher that has not used ProdigyGame.com in their Math class. The website is completely free for teachers and students. All you have to do is create your class and add your students.




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