The PES Transmedia Fireshare Production Crew created their first project this year. The crew consists of fifth and sixth graders from Phelps Elementary who absolutely loved taking pictures and videos of all our musical programs from our PES Artisan Drama Theater. They all agree that interviewing each other and participating in the Fireshare classes from after school was their favorite part of the whole process. Please stay tuned for more amazing videos from our awesome and talented Production Crew as they produce more documentaries about our school and our story!

Rebekah Gooslin
It's not everyday that people get the opportunity to wake up and experience the gift of doing exactly what they love. For me, that's being a wife to my best-friend for the past sixteen years, the joys of motherhood to the most amazing and talented 11 year old girl and to a dinosaur loving 5 year old little boy, teaching K-6th kiddos all day, and creating or playing music both at school and as a worship leader and director at our local church. I have been the special programs director/arts and humanities instructor at Phelps Elementary for the past five years. I suppose you can say, God has blessed me with the desires of my heart. Did I mention, I was born and raised in this small town of Phelps as well? Moving away for about three years, helped me to gain some perspective on life and to appreciate the mountains and coal fields of Eastern Kentucky. I'm proud to be a coal miner's daughter, grand-daughter, great-grand-daughter and wife. My quote for the day... "To be grateful is to live in continuous abundance. " ~Joseph Rain