Click here to download printable calendar Sessions at a glance 2016
Day 1 & 2 8:30 – 4:00 12 Hours
Visual Phonics (See-The-Sound/Visual Phonics)
Participants must attend both days for certificate
Visual Phonics is a multi-sensory approach that can be used to facilitate the development of phonemic awareness, reading, spelling and speech production skills. It uses a combination of tactile kinesthetic, visual and auditory feedback to assist in developing phonemic awareness, speech production, and reading skills in children and adults who do not learn readily from traditional reading programs. Visual Phonics is being incorporated into the curriculum in a number of programs around the country, and is seen by those who use it as extremely easy to use and effective when combined with a comprehensive reading program. Visual Phonics is not a communication method and typically represents just one part of a comprehensive reading and language program. Since Visual Phonics is a multisensory approach to learning, those who use it feel it provides an excellent way to help students who are deaf, learning disabled, developmentally delayed, and speech impaired “see” and internalize English phonemes and understand how they map onto English letters and words.
Presenter: Kim Hall, NBCT Clark County Schools, Special Education Facilitation Teacher for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students KY Certified STS/Visual Phonics Trainer
Audience: Preschool teachers, Elementary Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Speech Pathologists, Reading Interventionists, Teachers of Deaf/Hard of Hearing, ESL Teachers, and Interpreters
Day 1 & 2 8:30 -12:00 both mornings
Mental Health First Aid
2 day 4hr morning sessions each day attendance required both days (8 hours)
Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8 hour public education program which introduces participants to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents, builds understanding of the importance of early intervention, and teaches individuals how to help an adolescent in crisis or experiencing a mental health challenge. Mental Health First Aid uses role-playing and simulations to demonstrate how to assess a mental health crisis; select interventions and provide initial help; and connect young people to professional, peer, social, and self-help care. Youth mental Health First Aid has a three hour instruction on suicide warning signs and action plan.
The Youth Mental Health First Aid USA curriculum is primarily focused on information participants can use to help adolescents and transition-age youth, ages 12-18.
Presenter: Rose Shields, Rural Project Manager, University of Kentucky Center of Excellence
Audience: Administrators, teachers, guidance counselors, FRYSC staff, parents/guardians, community partners
Day 1 8:30 – 10:00 1.5 Hours
Building a Culture of Action Research
Whether you are brand new or a seasoned veteran to action research, join us as we explore the positive impact this strategy can have on student performance and teaching outcomes. This session will provide concrete examples and opportunities for you to practice using this powerful tool in any content area or grade level. Your students and classroom will never be the same!
Presenter(s): Mary Stiltner, Innovation Coordinator
Jeanne Caudill, Elementary Teacher
Audience: Administrators, teachers (all grade levels)
Classroom Redesign – Elementary
A look at classroom redesign in an elementary classroom.
Presenter: Tyler Watts, Elementary Teacher
Audience: All Teachers, Administrators
Math K-4
Teaching VS Learning: Strategies to use student work to facilitate mathematical understanding
Often teachers feel they have to tell students how to solve problems and use an “I do, we do, you do” strategy for teaching mathematics. While this is appropriate for some procedures in math, students develop deeper understanding when they grapple with figuring out the strategies themselves. This session will provide an outline and strategies for facilitating this deeper mathematical understanding.
Presenter: Katrina Slone, Ed.D, ARI STEM Lead, KVEC
Audience: Elementary Teachers, Administrators
PETLL Overview
This session will provide educators with a comprehensive overview of the PETLL process. Perpetuating Excellence in Teaching, Leadership & Learning (PETLL) is KVEC’s proprietary, continuous school improvement program predicated on identifying, enhancing and sharing talent in the region.
Presenter: Will Kayatin, Ph.D., Senior Director for Higher Education Affairs, KVEC
Audience: Administrators, Teachers
Project Based Learning and Meeting State Standards
This session will provide information and materials on implementing Project Based Learning activities as part of a Personalized Learning Environment. Participants will gain first-hand knowledge of personalizing curriculum for students to meet their needs while allowing them to become engaged in activities that will bring KCAS and Program Review standards to life.
Presenter(s): Kelli Thompson, ARI Student Agency Lead, KVEC
Audience: Teachers of Grades 4-12
Day 1 8:30 – 10:00 1.5 Hours
Reading and Writing
What do you with evidence once you have identified it in a piece of text besides resting it…is it pertinent and how do you convey that in writing?
Presenter: Deidra Carpenter, Curriculum Coach, ARI Literacy Fellow
Rachel Holbrook Ed.D, Johnson Co. Schools, ARI Literacy Fellow
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Interventionist
Transition/Post-Secondary Transition
Transition actually begins when the student begins school. However, we begin to stress transition once the student reaches 14 years of age or 8th grade, whichever comes first.
The IEP is the document the teachers, students and parents utilize to ensure the transition process is successful. The ARC members need to ensure all the components of the IEP include transition. Actually, the new 16 and older IEP reflects on placing transition goal(s) prior to academic and functional goals. This session will stress the components in the IEP that need addressed for transition purposes. You will leave with resources to assist in transition planning
Presenter: Brenda Combs, Due Process Consultant, KVEC
Audience: Special Education Teachers, Principals, Guidance Counselors
Using Data to Differentiate
Participants will first view my action research project where I obtained data on where I used formative assessments to homogenously group my students to differentiate the material. The groups worked through three stations: me, computer and the assignment based on their level of understanding. The data I gathered showed significant academic progress was achieved when using this instructional method than not using it. Then I will model the process with the participants to help them better understand the process and address their questions/concerns for the process. They will leave with stations prepared or at least ideas to use in one of their units.
Presenter: Michelle Scott, Teacher Pike Junior High School, 7th Grade Math Teacher
Audience: 6-12 teachers, instructional supervisors/coaches, principals
What is Early Literacy?
This session will examine the various causes of stress and anxiety in young children and families and offer coping strategies for families to address them. Since separation anxiety is a common issue on both the part of parents and children alike, our session will address it in relation to school readiness specifically. The number of factors affecting the stress levels in families today is tremendous! Children need supportive relationships as they face significant challenges to their healthy development. In order for us to gain insight to the behaviors we observe in young children…in particular anxiety…we must consider the perspective of the child within the family unit. Our work with children cannot exist in a vacuum. We must partner with families to provide the best outcomes for the children.
Presenter: Karen S. Thompson (KT), Director of Training, Eastern Kentucky Child Care Coalition (EKCCC)
Audience: Early Childhood Professionals
Day 1 8:30 – 11:45 3Hours
ATI – Appalachian Technology Institute
Description: Overview of the Appalachian Technology Institute. Session will outline how content will be delivered… and the vision and mission of the school.
Presenter: Paul Green, KVEC/ARC Leadership
Audience: Administrators, School Leaders
Expanding Working Memory
Are your students struggling to absorb the information overload of today’s classroom? If so, this session is for you. We will explore how to stimulate young minds by using some non-traditional activities.
Audience: All grade levels, interventionist, and special educators
Presenters: Dr. Eddy Wilder, Doug Smith, Verna Howell, Anita Cornett, Heather Hall
Ripple Effects
Project Prevent
Three Hour training on the Ripple Effects Whole Spectrum System. You will become familiar with all components of this SEL program through hands on experience with the software, discover ways this program is a valuable tool for all students, and learn how to facilitate and implement Ripple Effects successfully. Everyone is welcome to attend to see how Ripple Effects can benefit your students and school and to learn how your school can apply to the next Cohort to get this resource for free THIS YEAR! Seating is limited so current Cohort Schools must be given priority.
Presenter: Lisa Garza, Project Prevent Program Coordinator, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, FRYSC, Guidance Counselors
Day 1 10:10 – 11:45 1.5 Hours
Autism: Meeting Sensory Needs for Children with Autism & Other Disabilities
Frequently children with autism have sensory needs. When sensory needs go unmet this can cause great disruptions in the home and school environment. This can be very confusing for both parents and teachers. This webinar will look at some of the different types of sensory needs the children with autism can have. We will also look at ways to meet those needs.
Presenter: Kim Howard, Kentucky Autism Training Center
Audience: Special Education Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Administrators
Day 1 10:10 – 11:45 1.5 Hours
Blended Learning
Ideas and tools to incorporate Blended Learning into any classroom.
Presenter: Andrew Castle, ARI Technology Lead
Audience: Classroom Teachers, Administrators
Classroom Redesign – Fixer Upper: Classroom Edition
This session focuses on redesigning your students’ learning environment to promote student engagement, 21st century principles and excitement! Join me as I share how I used student voice to transform their classroom and create an atmosphere where students feel empowered, invested in their learning… all while being comfortable and responsible!
“To be innovative you must think outside the box.” -Steve Jobs
Presenter: Mary Carter, Teacher
Audience: All teachers, Administrators
Math Stories – Middle School 5-8
Math Word Stories for Students
Presenter: Libby Auxier, KVEC/ARI
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Interventionists
PETLL Overview – Repeat Session
This session will provide educators with a comprehensive overview of the PETLL process. Perpetuating Excellence in Teaching, Leadership & Learning (PETLL) is KVEC’s proprietary, continuous school improvement program predicated on identifying, enhancing and sharing talent in the region.
Presenter: Will Kayatin, PhD. Senior Director for Higher Education Affairs, KVEC
Audience: Administrators, Teachers
Progression writing by grade levels (K-5)
This session will involve teachers actively unpacking the KCAS /ELA Standards to support a comprehensive writing plan/curriculum within their school. Intentional focus will be directed towards:
- The reading/writing connection Grades K-5
- Writing skills that are appropriate in each grades K-1, 2-3, 4-5
- Writing genres that need to be taught at each specific grade level K-1,
2-3, 4-5
- Identifying and understanding the elements of writing genres to ensure exposure, development, and mastery of the writing standards K-5
- Activities that develop writing proficiency in grades K-1, 2-3, 4-5
Presenter: Renee Buchanan, Pike County Schools, ARI Literacy Fellow
Audience: Teachers, Interventionists, Administrators
Day 1 10:10 – 11:45 1.5 Hours
OFT (Question Formulation Technique)
In most classrooms, questioning is still primarily the domain of the teacher. In order to provide a 21st century learning experience for students, educators can help students become better thinkers and problem solvers using the Question Formulation Technique (QFT).
Teachers around the country and beyond are integrating the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) into their classroom practice across grade levels, subject areas and levels of academic readiness with great results. This 3-hour session will provide instruction and resources to assist teachers develop students who learn to ask their own questions, are more engaged, take greater ownership of their learning and learn more.
Presenter: Kim Sergent, Social Studies Instructional Specialist, KVEC
Audience: Middle school teachers, interventionists, special educators
Day 1 12:50-2:20 1.5 Hours
Autism: Successful Inclusion for Children with Autism
Oftentimes individuals with autism have difficulty in the general education. There are many factors that may contribute to this difficulty; increased class size, sensory overload, difficulty interacting with peers, type of instruction, remaining on task, etc. Due to these difficulties, teachers may and parents may feel lost with how to help their child or student in these settings.
Presenter: Kim Howard, Kentucky Autism Training Center
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Guidance Counselors
Building a Culture of Action Research
Whether you are brand new or a seasoned veteran to action research, join us as we explore the positive impact this strategy can have on student performance and teaching outcomes. This session will provide concrete examples and opportunities for you to practice using this powerful tool in any content area or grade level. Your students and classroom will never be the same!
- Examine your own teaching practice through an objective lens
- Obtain tools, resources and additional strategies that will help determine if you are maximizing student learning
- Connect with colleagues who have adopted action research practices in their classrooms
Presenter(s): Mr. Noel Crum, Innovation Coordinator, Johnson Co. Schools
Mrs. Lisa Salyer, Middle School Teacher, Johnson Co. Schools
Audience: Administrators, teachers (all grade levels)
Classroom Redesign – Elementary
A look at classroom redesign in an elementary classroom.
Presenter: Tyler Watts, Elementary Teacher
Audience: All Teachers, Administrators
Designing a OfT (Question Formulation Technique)
In most classrooms, questioning is still primarily the domain of the teacher. In order to provide a 21st century learning experience for students, educators can help students become better thinkers and problem solvers using the Question Formulation Technique (QFT).
Teachers around the country and beyond are integrating the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) into their classroom practice across grade levels, subject areas and levels of academic readiness with great results. This 3-hour session will provide instruction and resources to assist teachers develop students who learn to ask their own questions, are more engaged, take greater ownership of their learning and learn more.
Audience: Middle school teachers, interventionists, special educators
Presenter: Kim Sergent, Social Studies Instructional Specialist, KVEC
Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Support Plan
This session will guide participants in the process of a simplified Function Based Behavior Support Plan. Participants will learn the process of developing a behavior support plan for individuals that present with difficult behaviors in the educational setting. Behavior support plans will be developed based on the function of the behavior. Participants will complete a function based behavior support plan.
Presenter: Doug Smith, Achievement Gap Specialist, Behavior, KVEC
Audience: Special Educators, Teachers, Interventionists,
Math FALs – Formative Assessment Lessons for Middle School (5-8)
Using Formative Assessment Lessons to deepen student understanding of mathematical concepts
This session will familiarize teachers with the process of Formative Assessment Lessons and how to use them in the classroom to assess and deepen student understanding of and ability to apply the mathematical concepts they are learning.
Presenter: Katrina Slone, Ed.D, ARI STEM Lead, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Interventionists
Technology in the Elementary Classroom
Presenter: Rachel Holbrook, Ed.D, Johnson Co. Schools, ARI Literacy Fellow
Audience: Elementary Teachers, Administrators
World Language
Take your classroom to the World of SKYPE
Presenter: Emmanuel B. Anama-Green Jr. Spanish Teacher, Harlan High School
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Day 1 2:30-4:00 1.5 Hours
Behavior – “Just a Little Talk”
Session will cover some basic simple relationship building techniques. Participants will hear and share ideas as a group. Session will introduce participants to a couple web sites that may be beneficial to use for behavior concerns in the educational setting.
Presenter: Doug Smith, Achievement Gap Specialist, Behavior, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Interventionists, Administrators, Guidance Counselors
Blended Learning
Ideas and tools to incorporate Blended Learning into any classroom
Presenter: Andrew Castle, Appalachian Renaissance Initiative Technology Lead, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Classroom Redesign – Fixer Upper: Classroom Edition
This session focuses on redesigning your students’ learning environment to promote student engagement, 21st century principles and excitement! Join me as I share how I used student voice to transform their classroom and create an atmosphere where students feel empowered, invested in their learning… all while being comfortable and responsible!
“To be innovative you must think outside the box.” -Steve Jobs
Presenter: Mary Carter, Teacher, Letcher Middle School
Audience: All teachers, Administrators
Math FALs
Using Formative Assessment Lessons to deepen student understanding of mathematical concepts
This session will familiarize teachers with the process of Formative Assessment Lessons and how to use them in the classroom to assess and deepen student understanding of and ability to apply the mathematical concepts they are learning.
Presenter: Katrina Slone, Ed.D, ARI STEM Lead, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Interventionists
Organizing for School Wide Data Analysis
How to organize your school to conduct data analysis using 10 step Perpetual Data Analysis System.
Presenter(s): Abbie Combs, ARI Educator Effectiveness Lead, KVEC
Jennifer Carrol, ARI/ALL Lead, KVEC
Cheryl Mathis, Low Incidence Consultant, KVEC
Eddy Wilder Ed.D, Special Education Director, KVEC
Dionne Bates, Achievement Gap Specialist, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Instructional Supervisors
Day 1 2:30-4:00 1.5 Hours
QfT – Question Formulation Technique
Using the Question Formulation Technique in your classroom. Teaching students how to ask the right questions.
Presenter: Megan Smith
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Transition/Post-Secondary Transition
Transition actually begins when the student begins school. However, we begin to stress transition once the student reaches 14 years of age or 8th grade, whichever comes first.
The IEP is the document the teachers, students and parents utilize to ensure the transition process is successful. The ARC members need to ensure all the components of the IEP include transition. Actually, the new 16 and older IEP reflects on placing transition goal(s) prior to academic and functional goals. This session will stress the components in the IEP that need addressed for transition purposes. You will leave with resources to assist in transition planning
Presenter: Brenda Combs, Due Process Consultant, KVEC
Audience: Special Educators, Administrators, Guidance Counselors
Day 1 12:50-2:20 3 Hours
ATI – Appalachian Technology Institute
Description: Overview of the Appalachian Technology Institute. Session will outline how content will be delivered… and the vision and mission of the school.
Presenter: Paul Green, KVEC/ARC Leadership
Audience: Administrators, School Leaders
Context for Magic Ladder
What’s At Stake and What’s Involved in Learning to Read
Description: The deeper our understanding of what’s involved in learning to read the better we can differentiate our methods of reading instruction to meet the needs of struggling readers. In this presentation David Boulton will explore questions including: How does the brain create the simulated language experience we call reading? What makes learning to read so difficult? How does learning to read affect our intelligence, emotional development, and the overall health of our learning? What’s the difference between dyslexia and reading improficiency? What is the difference between inherited weaknesses and growing up in environments that insufficiently exercise the neuro-developmental prerequisites of reading? How does learning to read affect self-esteem and how does self-esteem affect learning to read? How do the feelings evoked by learning to read difficulties exacerbate learning to read difficulties?
Presenter: David Boulton, Executive Director Learning Stewards
Audience: Relevant to Pre-K through Adult educators.
Day 1 12:50-2:20 3 Hours
PETLL Fellows
This session is designed exclusively for PETLL fellowship recipients in preparation for co-leading PETLL visits in the region.
Presenter: Will Kayatin, PhD.
Audience: PETLL Fellows
Ripple Effects
Project Prevent
Three Hour training on the Ripple Effects Whole Spectrum System. You will become familiar with all components of this SEL program through hands on experience with the software, discover ways this program is a valuable tool for all students, and learn how to facilitate and implement Ripple Effects successfully. Everyone is welcome to attend to see how Ripple Effects can benefit your students and school and to learn how your school can apply to the next Cohort to get this resource for free THIS YEAR! Seating is limited so current Cohort Schools must be given priority.
Presenter: Lisa Garza, Project Prevent Program Coordinator, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, FRYSC, Guidance Counselors
DAY 2: Session Descriptions
Day 2 8:30 – 10:00 1.5 Hours
Math FALs (High School)
Using Formative Assessment Lessons to deepen student understanding of mathematical concepts
This session will familiarize teachers with the process of Formative Assessment Lessons and how to use them in the classroom to assess and deepen student understanding of and ability to apply the mathematical concepts they are learning
Presenter: Katrina Slone, Ed.D. ARI STEM Lead, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Interventionists
The Impact of Hearing Loss on Language Acquisition and How to Improve Language Skills
How hearing loss impacts how a child acquires language and ways to help a child develop a greater range of vocabulary. Attendees will have hands on practice at how to increase vocabulary and language skills in students with a wide range of hearing loss.
Attendees of both sessions will develop a greater understanding of what a hearing loss sounds like, how it impacts language development, and overall learning through out that individual’s life. They will also learn ways to help that child have access to language and classroom instruction.
Presenter: Heather Hall, Kentucky School for the Deaf Outreach Consultant
Audience: Teachers (general and special educators who work with these students), school staff (para educators, administrators, and counselors), and parents
Transition/Post-Secondary Transition
Transition actually begins when the student begins school. However, we begin to stress transition once the student reaches 14 years of age or 8th grade, whichever comes first.
The IEP is the document the teachers, students and parents utilize to ensure the transition process is successful. The ARC members need to ensure all the components of the IEP include transition. Actually, the new 16 and older IEP reflects on placing transition goal(s) prior to academic and functional goals. This session will stress the components in the IEP that need addressed for transition purposes. You will leave with resources to assist in transition planning
Presenter: Brenda Combs, Due Process Consultant, KVEC
Audience: Special Education Teachers, Teachers, Administrators
Ed. Camp
Enjoy a morning with educators from the KVEC region and beyond. Arrive with an idea for a session that you would like to lead or with the anticipation of a morning of learning. A session might explore a technology tool, a discussion about best practices, or a collaborative presentation with multiple facilitators.
Presenter(s) Facilitated by Jennifer Carroll and KVEC Staff
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Day 2 8:30 – 11:45 3 Hours
Ripple Effects
Project Prevent
Three Hour training on the Ripple Effects Whole Spectrum System. You will become familiar with all components of this SEL program through hands on experience with the software, discover ways this program is a valuable tool for all students, and learn how to facilitate and implement Ripple Effects successfully. Everyone is welcome to attend to see how Ripple Effects can benefit your students and school and to learn how your school can apply to the next Cohort to get this resource for free THIS YEAR! Seating is limited so current Cohort Schools must be given priority.
Presenter: Lisa Garza, Project Prevent Coordinator, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Guidance Counselors, FRYSC
Day 2 10:10 – 11:45 1.5 Hours
Autism: Behavior Interventions for Children with Autism
Children with autism at times can exhibit difficult behavior. Join this session to learn about evidenced based practice that can be put into place before difficult behavior occurs. During this session we will talk about the use of visual supports, reinforcement, social narratives and functional communication training to decrease the likelihood that disruptive behaviors will occur.
Presenter: Kim Howard, Kentucky Autism Training Center
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Birth and Beyond: Students with Visual Impairments
Presenter: Verna Howell, KSB Outreach Consultant
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Guidance Counselors
Math (Middle School 5-8)
Teaching VS Learning: Strategies to use student work to facilitate mathematical understanding.
Often teachers feel they have to tell students how to solve problems and use an “I do, we do, you do” strategy for teaching mathematics. While this is appropriate for some procedures in math, students develop deeper understanding when they grapple with figuring out the strategies themselves. This session will provide an outline and strategies for facilitating this deeper mathematical understanding.
Presenter: Katrina Slone, Ed.D, ARI STEM Lead, KVEC
Audience: Math Teachers, Interventionist, Administrators
Day 2 12:50 –2:20 1.5 Hours
Autism: Preparing for Puberty in Adolescents with Autism
Puberty can be a difficult time in life. When you add in special challenges like autism puberty can then become an overwhelming experience. During this session we will take a look at puberty through the lens of autism. We will look at how puberty can affect both the home and school environment. This session will provide resources that staff will find helpful!
Presenter: Kim Howard, Kentucky Autism Training Center
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
A look at co-teaching in the general education classroom setting reserearch based practices for continuous improvement.
Presenter: Stephanie Nichols
Audience: All Teachers, Administrators
Early Childhood Standards
This session will examine the various causes of stress and anxiety in young children and families and offer coping strategies for families to address them. Since separation anxiety is a common issue on both the part of parents and children alike, our session will address it in relation to school readiness specifically. The number of factors affecting the stress levels in families today is tremendous! Children need supportive relationships as they face significant challenges to their healthy development. In order for us to gain insight to the behaviors we observe in young children…in particular anxiety…we must consider the perspective of the child within the family unit. Our work with children cannot exist in a
Presenter: Karen S. Thompson (KT), Director of Training, Eastern Kentucky Child Care Coalition (EKCCC)
Audience: Early Childhood Professionals
Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Support Plan
This session will guide participants in the process of a simplified Function Based Behavior Support Plan. Participants will learn the process of developing a behavior support plan for individuals that present with difficult behaviors in the educational setting. Behavior support plans will be developed based on the function of the behavior. Participants will complete a function based behavior support plan.
Presenter: Doug Smith, Achievement Gap Specialist, Behavior, KVEC
Audience: Special Educators, Teachers, Interventionists, Administrators
Day 2 12:50 –2:20 1.5 Hours
Google Classroom
Description: Apps for education is an integrated suite of online tools to facilitate blended learning. Good Drive serves as the storage while Google Docs serves as the creation suite. These tools work together to provide a free and user friendly way of collaborating, document creation and sharing, and digital classroom facilitation. We will learn about each of these tools and how they can be used in your classroom.
Presenter: Andrew Castle, KVEC/ARI Technology Lead
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
How do I Implement Project Based Learning and meet State Standards?
Participants will explore the basic elements of what should be included in any high-quality, project-based learning (PBL) experience and include the standards that are required to be taught by teachers and mastered by students. Come learn how to begin, implement and assess PBL with strong inquiry learning activities. For those new to true PBL, this session will help overcome the fear of the unknown and provide a simple step-by-step process to follow as will as provide multiple digital resources to support the implementation
Presenter: Kelli Thompson, ARI Student Agency Lead, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Math FALS (Formative Assessment Lessons)
High School Math
Teaching VS Learning: Strategies to use student work to facilitate mathematical understanding
Often teachers feel they have to tell students how to solve problems and use an “I do, we do, you do” strategy for teaching mathematics. While this is appropriate for some procedures in math, students develop deeper understanding when they grapple with figuring out the strategies themselves. This session will provide an outline and strategies for facilitating this deeper mathematical understanding.
Presenter: Katrina Slone EdD, ARI STEM Lead, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Interventionists
Reading/Writing Intervention
Reading/Writing strategies to enhance classroom instruction and strategies to help struggling students.
Audience: Elementary teachers, interventionists, special educators
Presenter: Christy Hicks, Reading Recovery Teacher Leader
Donna Singleton, Reading Recovery Teacher Leader
Day 2 12:50-4:00 3 Hours
Socratic Seminar
The session will focus on how to effectively engage students in Socratic Seminar. I will share two different methods I use to set this up. Participants will receive a packet of materials to use with students and a list of resources for further research on the use of Seminar. We will participate in a “mini” seminar during the session. Seminar, when used well, is one of the most effective ways to engage students in literature.
Presenter: Rebecca King, English Department Chairperson, Pikeville High School
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Student Growth Goals
Presenter: Leslie Moyer, KDE
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Day 2 2:30 – 4:00 1.5 Hours
A look at co-teaching in the general education classroom setting reserearch based practices for continuous improvement.
Presenter: Stephanie Nichols
Audience: All Teachers, Administrators
Early Childhood Standards
This session will examine the various causes of stress and anxiety in young children and families and offer coping strategies for families to address them. Since separation anxiety is a common issue on both the part of parents and children alike, our session will address it in relation to school readiness specifically. The number of factors affecting the stress levels in families today is tremendous! Children need supportive relationships as they face significant challenges to their healthy development. In order for us to gain insight to the behaviors we observe in young children…in particular anxiety…we must consider the perspective of the child within the family unit. Our work with children cannot exist in a
Presenter: Karen S. Thompson (KT), Director of Training, Eastern Kentucky Child Care Coalition (EKCCC)
Audience: Early Childhood Professionals
Google Classroom
Description: Apps for education is an integrated suite of online tools to facilitate blended learning. Good Drive serves as the storage while Google Docs serves as the creation suite. These tools work together to provide a free and user friendly way of collaborating, document creation and sharing, and digital classroom facilitation. We will learn about each of these tools and how they can be used in your classroom.
Presenter: Andrew Castle, KVEC/ARI Technology Lead
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Day 2 2:30 – 4:00 1.5 Hours
FIREshare and the Holler
Description: The Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative has been working with The Holler to create and grow an online learning platform defined specifically for our rural audience. As The Holler grows and gives more space for contributor content, FIREshare (Finding Innovation in Rural Education) was created to provide multimedia training for teachers and students throughout the Appalachian Renaissance Initiative region. Join the conversation of how to include multimedia content creation in your classroom.
Presenter: Willa Johnson, ARI , KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Math Elementary K-4
Using formative assessment to differentiate in math
Teachers are often frustrated as they try to instigate effective tier one differentiation in their classrooms. This session offers some strategies and ideas for learning where students are with a concept, deciding what they need, and developing a plan to offer it in a way that is minimally disruptive and honors what students know rather than what they don’t.
Presenter: Katrina Slone, Ed.D, ARI STEM Lead, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Interventionists
LDC Argumentation
The session will focus on using LDC module to teach argumentative writing. The module uses resources on education and asks students to determine to what extent they have been given a “true” education. We will focus on the mini-tasks used within the module to understand that best practice in writing does not change when using LDC.
Learning Objective: Participants will be able to adapt and use an LDC module to teach argumentative writing.
Presenter: Rebecca King, English Department Chairperson, Pikeville High School
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
“Just a Little Talk” – Behavior
Session will cover some basic simple relationship building techniques. Participants will hear and share ideas as a group. Session will introduce participants to a couple web sites that may be beneficial to use for behavior concerns in the educational setting.
Presenter: Doug Smith, Achievement Gap Specialist, Behavior, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Interventionists, Administrators, Guidance Counselors
Reading/Writing Intervention
Reading/Writing strategies to enhance classroom instruction and strategies to help struggling students.
Audience: Elementary teachers, interventionists, special educators
Presenter: Christy Hicks, Reading Recovery Teacher Leader
Donna Singleton, Reading Recovery Teacher Leader
Teach Like a Champion
Presenter: Jennifer Carroll
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Day 2 2:30 – 4:00 1.5 Hours
Transition/Post-Secondary Transition
Transition actually begins when the student begins school. However, we begin to stress transition once the student reaches 14 years of age or 8th grade, whichever comes first.
The IEP is the document the teachers, students and parents utilize to ensure the transition process is successful. The ARC members need to ensure all the components of the IEP include transition. Actually, the new 16 and older IEP reflects on placing transition goal(s) prior to academic and functional goals. This session will stress the components in the IEP that need addressed for transition purposes. You will leave with resources to assist in transition planning
Presenter: Brenda Combs, Due Process Consultant, KVEC
Audience: Special Educators, Administrators and Guidance Counselors
Day 2 12:50 – 4:00 3 Hours
Ripple Effects
Project Prevent
Three Hour training on the Ripple Effects Whole Spectrum System. You will become familiar with all components of this SEL program through hands on experience with the software, discover ways this program is a valuable tool for all students, and learn how to facilitate and implement Ripple Effects successfully. Everyone is welcome to attend to see how Ripple Effects can benefit your students and school and to learn how your school can apply to the next Cohort to get this resource for free THIS YEAR! Seating is limited so current Cohort Schools must be given priority.
Presenter: Lisa Garza, Project Prevent Coordinator, KVEC
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Guidance Counselors, FRYSC